Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh The Places We Can Go...

Thought I would blog about living overseas in Penang, Malaysia during 2003. This was one of the best experiences I have ever had. After a couple months of homesickness, I truly enjoyed living there. One year wasn't long enough. I really wished we could of stayed another year. My favorite thing about Malaysia, is the friends that I made. It's amazing how nice everybody was. Most of these people don't have much, but would give you the shirt off their back with a smile. It really made you appreciate the things you have at home. I still keep in touch with a few friends from there and we are hoping to go back and visit one day.

Here is where we called home while living in Penang, Malaysia.

My friend Ivy and I at Penang's Octoberfest Celebration.

One of my favorite festivals we went to was Thaipusan. It's a huge Hindu celebration where they have this god that arrives by chariot to the temple. To get the chariot to the temple, they must cleanse the road. So, as the chariot slowly makes it's way to the Temple, thousands of people smash coconuts to cleanse the path. After the coconuts are smashed, a bulldozer comes by and clears a path. This goes on for miles. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I have never seen so many coconuts in my life. Many big companies donate hunderds of thousands of coconuts.

Derek getting ready for action

Yummy, Yummy, this was my favorite meal. Lobster Thermidor.

My friend Rebecca who came to visit all the way from Oregon. Here we are at The Golden Thai Restaurant.

This was my oven for a year. I made everything from cookies to chicken in here.

Ahhh, our little car the Proton. We had a couple of funny experiences in this car. On the way to Kuala Lumpar, we had to pull over every half and hour to let the engine cool down. A 3 hour trip took us about 6 hours and we couldn't use the AC.

We did tons of snorkling.

Here I am with Sheela in a sari

Here is the whole gang


Solomon said...

I've just been referred here by Calfkeeper, of Dairy Daze. :)

The description of the Thaipusan celebrations was interesting. I'd never heard of it before.

Out of curiosity, what is a gaskin?

Amy said...

I to just started blogging, and finding it to be quiet fun. My husband and I were in KL enroute to India a few years back. Great food and wonderful memories we have as well.

Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

Amy, I like your blog. You have a beautiful family. We really enjoyed traveling. I think it gets addictive after awhile. I would love to go back to Asia again.